Wednesday, February 24, 2010

PB&J Helper

I'm having a lazy day today. Chris got Clara off to school this morning, and at her request, he even went in to volunteer in my place. I've been getting all of Clara's old clothes ready for a huge consignment sale, so I've had a few late nights lately. Thankfully Chris had the boys all set before going into volunteer so I got to take a cat nap on the couch while Jonathan watched TV and Matthew took his morning nap. By the time Chris and Clara got back from school, I was just waking up from that cat nap, and not quite up to making lunch just yet. Chris had to get into to work, so Clara excitedly helped me out!
Chris got her everything she needed and she went to work.

Time for the jelly!

Jonathan was just as excited about eating a lunch made his big sister! (Notice he's still in his PJ's a lunch time!)

Although, I had to finally perk up and start my day when Clara informed me halfway through lunch, "Mom, Jonathan thinks he could be pregnant!"...Yep, time for me to be an active participant in what my kids are doing!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it might be nice to have another little one around the house...
