Thursday, April 22, 2010

Confetti Egg Fight

After dinner we had a confetti egg fight! It's a tradition in Hispanic communities to hollow out eggs, fill them with confetti and dye them, then crack them over the head of some unsuspecting victim. We didn't go through to trouble of making our own, but I bought a few dozen at Wal-mart so we could surprise the neighbors!

Clara kept asking questions about the eggs, so Chris tested one on her before our guests arrived.

Can you tell he'd taken the whole week off (check out the beard!)

Let the games begin!

Courtney welcomed her hubby, Frank, home with a confetti surprise!




My driveway after the fight

Jose, Ray and Chris...Why are they confetti-free?

Ooops! That one was a real egg!
Everyone had a blast -- we'll definitely have to make it a tradition (even if that means I'll have to make my own). 2 weeks later I was still vacuuming confetti up in my house!

1 comment:

  1. that is so fun - never heard of that one before, but i love it!
