Thursday, April 29, 2010


We signed the kids up for T-ball this year. Well, actually Jonathan is playing T-ball, Clara is playing 'Coaches Pitch'. Obviously where Clara is concerned, the coaches pitch the ball to the kids, and if they can't hit it after a few tries, they bring out the tee for for the children to hit off of. The kids are loving their first team sports! Clara's team is the San Francisco Giants.
Chris' mom came to visit us on the 13th and stayed through the weekend, so she got to accompany us to practices and even got to go to the first game! She is recently retired, and loving every minute of it!
Grandma Ginia is a huge baseball fan, so she was excited to help Clara practice a little more in the front yard!

Clara does pretty well hitting the ball on her own, though still needs the tee from time to time. (She's a lefty like me!)

Even Grandma got a little hitting practice!

Clara running the bases at practice. (That's her in the turquiose shirt and blue pants near the front of the line).

Warming up

Ready to bat

Trying the tee

Practice makes a girl thirsty!

Taking a break

Clara's cheering section

Finishing up practice with some touch-n-gos

Huddle up


Before their first game on the 17th

Warming up before her 2nd game on the 24th with some jumping jacks

My Giant, #4. Puttin' on her game face :)

She's up to bat

She's got the stance...

She swings....

It's a hit! Off she goes.

Running to 1st base

Standing on first base

I love this picture. Clara looks like she's on the pitcher's mound, getting ready to throw a fast one. Really, she's simply standing on the mound, playin' the outfield, ready to catch the ball.

Mitt up, ready to catch a ball

However, it might be a little easier to catch the ball if see was actually watching for it. (Minor details!)

Good game, good game!
The leagues here on base are not win/lose. Each game is simply a chance for each team to have 3 chances to bat and to play the outfield. Once those 3 innings have passed, the game is called. Still it's a great introdution to sports for the kids, and the both seem to love playing!

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