Sunday, May 2, 2010

17 Mile Drive

Before we left Monterey, Chris and I did the 17 Mile Drive, since he wasn't with me when I did it in the fall with the kids. This time around it was sunny, making the ocean an even more beautiful color. There's not much else to add to these pics, other than just take a look at them for yourself and know that no matter how beautiful it looks in the picture, these pictures just don't do it justice.

The Pacific Ocean is VERY cold!

Chris and I never have pictures of just the 2 of us, either one of us is always taking a picture of the other with the kids, or we get some passerby to take a picture of the whole was nice to get some good pics of just Chris and I.

We had fun climbing out on the rocks for photos, not something we can do with small kids in tow!

It was eerie sitting out on the rocks with your back to the ocean, you just knew any minute that huge wave was going to come knock you off and carry you away!

Chris set the camera up on the hood of the car and took this picture with the timer...not bad!

Like a painting!

The Lone Cypress

God really knew what he was doing when he made places like this!

The Ghost Tree

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