Saturday, May 29, 2010

Berry Pickin'

Every where you look around us, there's agriculture: Almonds, pecans, walnuts, grapes, citrus, strawberries, corn.... My kids haven't ever had the fun of picking their own fruit. My mom used to do some canning when I was little, so my family would go from time to time, but my kids just haven't had that chance...until today. The original plan was to go picking strawberries, but while it seems there's strawberries on every corner around here, none of the fields are 'you pick'. So we settled for other berries: Blueberries, blackberries and tay berries.
All ready to pick. The kids were excited all morning when we told them what we were doing today. Jonathan kept teaching us, "You got to twist, twist, twist, pull!" I asked him where he learned that, he said TV. I assumed it must've been Sesame Street, but apparently it was 'Special Agent Oso'.

Picking Blueberries

Eating blueberries

This what happens when you tell your husband to pick something!

Picking Blackberries

Picking Tay berries (a hybrid between a black berry and a raspberry - YUM!)

Even Matthew got to do some picking!

Unfortunately, he didn't get to do any eating.

Picture of the giant blueberries on the bush. I'm not even a big fan of blueberries, but these were yummy!
When we got done, we each had a bag about half full of berries, except Jonathan, whose bag was empty because he'd been eating all the ones he picked! At least we all had fun, and we had a yummy smoothie for an afternoon snack!

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