Sunday, May 2, 2010


Spring is all about new life, and for the last 2 years we've watched the metamorphosis of nature's finest: the ladybug, then some butterflies. This year we're watching a tadpole change into a frog. Chris' Aunt Mary got the kids a kit after hearing about our adventure with butterflies last year. The kids have named him/her 'Gilly' (because that's what the instruction manual called him/her). The tadpole has been sitting on our counter for a few weeks now during which time it has grown longer and wider and just recently, it grew front legs. Unfortunately I didn't take pics when Gilly first came to live with us, but here's some I took the other day.
You may need to enlarge one of these pics to see his front legs, they're just where the wider part of his body meets the thinner tail part. (yes, those are scientific terms!)

So far he's doing well, though this is a much slower process than the butterflies last year! From what I understand he will turn into a frog that likes to stay in the water...Hopefully we can keep him alive long enough to watch the full transition!

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