Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trying Table Food

Matthew's been trying out some table foods around here now that those 2 bottom teeth have come in all the way. He's enjoying the variety and enjoying the extra baths he gets as a result as well! His first taste of table food was corn and mini shell pasta.

What's this?!

I've got my spoon ready!

Let's see...

YUM! That's good stuff!

To help those sore gums, I'd heard frozen waffles were a great teething food. Matthew agrees!

So Cold!

The best part - They don't make half the mess those teething cookies make.

We've even started introducing the sippy cup, but seeing as how he was extremely picky about what bottle he'd take, sippy cups haven't been successful yet.

He likes to chew ont he spout, but hasn't started drinking from one yet.

Today he went for his 9 month well baby visit. The doctor says he looks great. At 18.4 lbs and 26.75 inches, he's still a little on the small side for his age. His head circumference still hovering at 17.5 inches. The doctor said he's growing well and hitting the milestones as expected. No shots at 9 months, so Matthew was pleased with that.

Matthew is just starting to pull himself up to his knees and his feet. He's been trying to trade that army crawl in for crawling up on all fours, but can't quite get the hang of it. He's getting into everything. He has officially entered that phase where it's perfectly fine for him to leave the room you're in, but don't even think about leaving him behind. When we pick him up he immediately squirms around so that he's facing out, so he can see everything. Just about any time he's being held, he squirms around until you put him down so he can explore. He's well past the cuddly phase. He has no interest in cuddling unless you're feeding him, but don't think about walking past him without acknowledging him. He thinks Clara and Jonathan are the coolest people in the world, and they still can't wait until he's big enough to really play with and talk to.

Where have those 9 months gone?

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