Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lemoore Water Park

This morning I suggested to Chris that we take the kids to the Lowes Build and Grow Clinic. They were building UFOs with real blinking lights! However, I confused the time of Lowes clinics (10am - 11am) with the time that Home Depot typically does their clinic (9am - 12pm), so when we showed up at 11:30am - we did nothing but get the kids' hopes up only to disappoint them. So then we tried to come up with something equally as fun and inexpensive (free) to do! I've heard of a little park in Lemoore, where the kids can run through the fountains, so we went to check it out. The kids weren't at all dressed for getting wet, but since I was trying to cover my blunder, we decided it was just a small oversight!
When we arrived, we were disappointed by what we saw. I almost urged Chris to drive away, but he said, "They're kids - it could be the coolest thing to them." He was so right - the kids had a blast!
The water sprayed in all different directions and patterns. It was not set on 'impressive' when we first arrived, but as it went through the different patterns, it was actually pretty neat.

And since it changed so often, you never knew where the water was going to come from next, so it was great to watch the kids' reactions!

As you can see, the kids quickly forgot about what they didn't get to build at Lowes, and instead thanked us profusely for bringing them here!

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