Friday, July 23, 2010

Zoo Camp

Guess who got to go to Zoo Camp this year?! Jonathan!!!! Jonathan has waited so long for this moment. After watching Clara get dropped off there the past 2 summers and seeing all the cool stuff she comes home with at the end of the week, he was beside himself with excitement. Zoo camp was actually instrumental in getting Jonathan potty trained. Last year he was old enough at the end of the summer, but since he wasn't yet potty trained, he couldn't go. When we potty trained him, he kept telling us how when he was potty trained he was going to go to zoo camp...and he did! Clara went back this year as well, but since she's 6 now, zoo camp was all day (9am - 4pm) for her - a great introduction to what all day school will be like in the 1st grade! We even managed to talk her friend's mom into sending her as well, which was a HUGE help for carpooling!

Jonathan had a blast at zoo camp, just as we all knew he would. He went from 9-12pm, so I drove everyone to zoo camp, then hung around in Fresno with Matthew until it was time to pick Jonathan up, then head home for lunch and naps. Eve's (Clara's friend) mom picked the girls up at 4 and brought them home which was such a huge help since the zoo is 45 min away from the house.

Jonathan (on the left, in blue) coming back from a visit in the zoo with his class

Lacing cards until everyone arrived in the morning

Stopping to smell the flowers while we wait for Jonathan to be dismissed

Quiet time after a long morning of zoo camp

Lunch to go

Showing us his week's work. He made that name necklace and the folder to hold all his artwork.
This week's theme was 'Dig It!' They learned all about dinosaurs, and even got to go to the new exhibit and dig for fossils!

Macaroni Dinosaur


Pterydactyl painted with chocolate pudding. It's head is glued onto a wooden clothes pin, so it can release that fish in it's mouth.

Ahhh!!! A scary T-rex!!!!

Another T-rex

Showing off his Zoo CAmp shirt.

I didn't manage to get pics of Clara's art projects, though many of them are the same. She's been exhausted after a full day at zoo camp each day, esp once it got to Friday. She had a blast as well though, and was super excited to be able to share the experience with her friend Eve this year.

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