Sunday, August 1, 2010


Chris couldn't wait to go set off the rockets. I still wasn't feeling great, but knew the only way to get pictures was to go along for the ride. We also borrowed the neighbor's little boy, which paid off when it was time to go fetch the deployed rocket!
The rocket wasn't even fully set up yet, and Jonathan was already preparing for the noise he was sure it would make during 'blast off!'

Almost ready

Run for cover!

Daddy showing the kids how to keep a safe distance...

...the safe distance preferred by the kids!

Hunter and Chris coming back from the first retrieval

The little rocket...3-2-1...

...Blast off!

Back to the big rocket...3-2-1...

Blast off! (I was never quick enough to get it actually taking off).

Parachute deployed

The tail fin broke off

Hunter bringing back the big rocket.
Clara eventually was brave enough to push the button once, but Jonathan didn't really seem so interested in it. Chris is still maintaining that the rockets were for Jonathan and not for himself!

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