Thursday, September 2, 2010

Biking to School

Clara's been asking to ride her bike to school since last year. The fact that kindergarten was half day and I would pick her up in the van so we could run errands after school, kept me from saying yes last year. This year, the only thing holding us back was the lack of a bike lock. I found a combination lock for her that uses a word instead of numbers to make it easier to remember, and she was set. Chris was off of work today, so I was sure one of us could meet her at school to help her unlock her bike if she needed it. She was so excited!
Ready to go to school!

Daddy helping her with her lock

Showing her how to loop it through the frame of the bike

Locking it up

I told her to loop her helmet onto her backpack and take it into school with her, seeing as how it cost almost as much as her bike!

Ready to go!
She's such a big girl! Most days I can't meet her after school since school lets out in the middle of nap time. There's always neighbors for her to walk/ride home with, but she knows the way on her own. She loves having this new form of independence!

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