Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Party

Jonathan's preschool had their class party today, and walked around the block to local businesses to go trick or treating. Jonathan couldn't get over the fact that he gets to have '2 Halloweens' this year, 'a light one' and 'a dark one'. Thankfully, he let me know this morning that he wanted to wear the same costume for both Halloweens! He was 'Daddy' just like he was last year.
All the business owners would say something like, "Aww, look at the pilot!" Each time Jonathan was sure to correct them that he wasn't a pilot, he was Daddy!

Looks just like his Daddy here!

His 'Sassy pose'

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treating wasn't enough sweets, had to have a cupcake at the party!


Wondering why all he gets is fruit!

Sugar cookies, too!




Even Matthew had a good time at the party!

Like I said, Chris got to go in today for Clara's party, but guess who forgot to take the camera?!

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