Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jonathan's Field Trip

Jonathan's preschool took their first field trip to the pumpkin patch today. It wasn't the same one we went to, so it was good to check this one out.
Each kid got to pick out their own free 'baby pumpkin'. At both patches, Jonathan picked out pumpkins with green on them, calling them 'Broccoli Pumpkins'.
Baby Pumpkins

Hamming it up again!

They read the kids a couple fall storybooks. This is about half the class. The class is mostly boys!

Chillin' on the haystack

Checking out the pictures

King of the haystack!

Sliding into the corn box

What fun!

Shoveling Corn

Standing tall like the corn

They found a couple caterpillars on the corn. Each kid got a chance to hold one if they wanted.

Jonathan was so gentle with it.

When we left, we stuck them back on the corn.
Clara's class gets to go on a field trip to this pumpkin patch too. I have to be in Jonathan's class that same morning for his Halloween Party, so I can't go along. I'm really struggling with not being able to clone myself to be in 2 places at one time. Unfortunately, since Jonathan's preschool is a co-op, my attendance is mandatory to certain things, so I don't even have the luxury of alternating whose class I go to each time. Chris is home this week, but his schedule is rigorous as he prepares for weapon school, and he can't do much to help pick up the slack either. However, he does get to Clara's class party Friday!

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