Monday, October 11, 2010

Wild Things, Inc.

On the way home, we made one last stop at Wild Things, Inc. It's a small 'zoo' that is open for just one public tour each day. I'll have to say the staff was not very friendly, not a place I'd recommend. Still, it was interesting to see the animals.
A Zdonk - a cross between a Zebra and a Donkey, of course

Siberian Lynx

Siberian Lynx

Siberian Lynx

Lion (no, this pic is not upside down)

He was sleeping like this...

...and catching flies like this!

So awesome!

Another Lion


Spotted Leopard

African Elephant


Bengal Tiger



The kids got to feed the elephant. Unfortunately, I only had my long lens on me, and the tallest elephant was the only one that was eating. I stood back as far as I could, but still cut most of the elephant out of the pic (Oh well!)

African Elephant


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