Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Mittens

We had a visitor just after Thanksgiving...Grandma Ginia! Chris and I had planned to go to a wedding in Santa Barbara this weekend, until we learned that Chris had to be in Fallon, NV on both the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday directly after. So he had a whirlwind trip home from Wednesday night until this (Saturday) morning. Grandma Ginia flew in Friday afternoon and gets to stay with the kids and I until Thursday.
This morning we got up to go to breakfast with Chris and take him to meet his ride back to Fallon. Then we stopped by Michaels and picked up a project for us to work on since the weather was making it clear we'd be inside for the remainder of the day. We even got Grandma to help us out!
While the boys were napping I cut mittens out of felt for us to decorate.

We decorated them with self adhesive felt, some pre-cut and some that I cut out.

It was super easy and the kids loved it. They were able to work on their own with out asking for any help.

Grandma said she wasn't creative, but I caught her!

All the finished mittens

I glued them all to a ribbon to make this garland. They turned out great!

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