Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas at Larry and Sandi's

The stomach bug was most inconvenient in terms of Christmas dinner. Chris had signed us up to host Christmas dinner for his family and their friends. I started shopping for the food and baking almost as soon as we got back from Fallon. Christmas Eve, Chris was forced to call his Aunt and Uncle to let them know that they were now hosting instead. Thankfully they were extremely flexible with the plans, so Chris took all the food we had bought for Christmas dinner over just after the kids opened presents in the morning. He came back and retrieved the kids and took them over after nap time as well. I still wasn't feeling great, so I stayed home to rest, and to keep the stomach bug to myself (noble of me, I know!)
Once at Larry and Sandi's, there were more presents to be opened!

Matthew LOVES these Shake 'N' Go cars!


Chris introduced Matthew to whipped cream!

Then taught him how to do 'Whip-its'!


That's right -- the guys are cooking!

Aunt Mary and Grandpa John

Turkey's done!

Jonathan wrestling with cousin Joshua

Don't let those boys fool you, looks like Aunt Sandi got conned into cooking some, too!

Table full of blessings!



These singing snowmen have gotten to be a tradition for my kids at Larry and Sandi's. When we moved to CA 3 years ago and into Larry and Sandi's house, Jonathan was about the age that Matthew is now. That first Christmas, Jonathan just about ran the batteries out all on his own, dancing with the snowmen. Now, it's Matthew's turn!

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