Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Elves' Work

Ever since we went to see Santa, Clara's wheels have been spinning. They had 'real elves' there! They were not the magical, mystical little beings Clara had envisioned, rather they were real people. This got Clara thinking. Over the next couple days she had this conversation with both me and Chris separately:

Clara: Mom, when we went to see Santa, were those real elves?

Me: Yep!

Clara: They're real people...How do you get to be an elf?

Me: What do you mean?

Clara: Like, When I grow up, if I want to be an elf, can I?

Me: I don't know.

Clara: What do elves do when it's not Christmas time? Do they still have to make toys? Or can they go home to see their family?

Me: I would imagine so, that's a lot of toys to make just during Christmas time.

Clara: Remember last year when we went on the Polar Express train to see Santa?

Me: Umm Hmm

Clara: And they took us to the North Pole? I wonder if you could just tell them you wanted to get off at the North Pole so you can get a job as an elf?

Me: I don't know

Clara: That would be cool, huh?

She's giving this some serious thought. I hope she's not planning on moving to the North Pole anytime soon! She had this conversation with me as we walked through Kohl's, and a couple days later with Chris on the phone. I tried to keep a straight face through it all, but apparently Chris was rolling on the floor laughing! So now Clara has added a new aspiration to what she wants to be when she grows up: an artist, a dancer, a singer and/or an elf!

It never occurred to me until this conversation, how much she truly believes. I always thought her inquisitive nature would lead her to the truth early, but now I know the magic of Christmas is very alive in Clara. I love that I get to experience Christmas as a child again, through the eyes of my own children. What a blessing!

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