Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

This year we spent Thanksgiving with our friends. Chris was even able to come home for a couple days.
The 2 littlest guys: Matthew and Titan (in his snazzy Christmas sweater)


The best babysitter ever: Belle w/ Matthew

Hunter, Hope and Briana

Clara (and Jonathan checking out her plate)

Courtney brought cupcakes for the kids

She said they were turkeys :)

Carrie and I

The Bearcat ladies: Cort, Me, Melissa, Hope, Carrie

Jose and Melissa

Bearcat Ladies: Cort, Carrie, Melissa, Me, Hope, Sarah

After dinner, the table was opened up for playing Spoons!

Note the concentration on our faces! This is serious business!

We had a great time. Great food. Great friends. So much to be thankful for!

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