Thursday, December 9, 2010

Slumber Party

Excuse the blurry picture, but I had to post this.
When we were heading to the airport after Thanksgiving to pick up Grandma Ginia, Clara excitedly told Chris and I that she couldn't wait to share her room with Grandma because then everyone could have someone to sleep with. She pointed out that I always get to sleep with Daddy, and Jonathan and Matthew get to sleep together since they share a room, but she always has to sleep alone. I asked her if that makes her feel left out. She said it did. So I told her that we didn't mind if she went in to sleep with her brothers. I feel that being the oldest, and the only girl, she often gets 'left out' and this one is an easy fix.
As soon as Grandma Ginia left, Clara started sleeping with her brothers. Poor Jonathan gives up his mattress and blankets for her. They love sleeping together, but we've had to change the rules to be only on weekends due to Jonathan talking too much so that Clara can't sleep.
The best part, it has already made them closer. They're not fighting as much, even playing together more!
As you can see, my camera had a hard time focusing in the dark room, but still a cherished picture.
The kids are excited for Christmas school means they can sleep together every night!

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