Sunday, February 20, 2011

She Lost Another One!

That makes 6 teeth so far! As usual, she lost it right before bed time, when I told her either she has to pull it or I will. She actually pulled this one on her own with little effort (and little drama).
Since it's the weekend, Clara went to bed in the boys' room as usual. The tooth fairy left her trail of confetti teeth in Clara's room and then in the boys' room. We assumed she must've been looking for Clara until she found her asleep with her brothers.

Clara left another note for the tooth fairy, asking for her phone number so we could call her.

The tooth fairy really left her phone number for Clara, but we can't figure out how to call it. We can find most of the symbols on the keypad of my cell, but there's no tooth or heart...Clara checked. Clara says we must need a special phone to call her, and plans on asking about that next time she loses a tooth if we don't figure it out before then.

Any suggestions?!

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