Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blossom Trail

Last year I learned of the Blossom Trail here in Fresno. Of course, every Spring I notice all the trees with their gorgeous blossoms, but it didn't occur to me that there was a trail where you are actually allowed to stop and take pictures! I first read about it over the summer, so I had to wait until now to go see the trees in all their glory. It was beautiful. I think next year, I'd like to get a professional photographer to take family portraits of us in the blossoms. For this year, my own pics will have to suffice!

The first orchard we stopped at was much prettier in person than in this picture, though the tress were not very full yet.

Matthew in a peach or nectarine tree. (I'm not sure how to tell the difference by looking at the blossoms.)

Clara in a tree

Chris' dad came along with us to check out the blossoms, so we did manage to get one picture of the whole family!
Chris and Matthew

Matthew flyin' high!

Close up of some peach/nectarine blossoms

The second orchard was much prettier, but by this time the novelty of going to look at flowers and take lots of pics had worn off on the kids. So pics were interesting after that!

Last couple pics of my cooperative children...

Clara wasn't in the mood at all. She wants to be a singer/dancer when she grows up, so I told her she should start practicing poses for when she's famous!

Jonathan thought that sounded like fun.

Even Chris and Matthew go some practice in!

When it was my turn, the kids were once again over having their pics taken!

Some day we'll get a nice family pic with everyone looking and smiling, this was not that day!

We found an almond orchard too.

I convinced the kids to pose for just one more pic.

We made it to the blossom trail right around the end of blossom season, due to weather and Chris' work, so the petals were starting to fall to the ground like snow.

The only person I could still get to pose for me!

Chris climbed a tree to snap a picture of the orchard from above!

Reflection of the tree in my van's window.

We found an orchard were the white blossoms were up right against the pink ones. These white flowers may be plum.

When I got out of the van to take pics, I notice the walkway was paved with peach/nectarine pits!

After a long day of stopping to smell the flowers!

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