Friday, March 18, 2011

Jonathan's Glasses

Look who has new glasses like Daddy!

Chris has been teaching Jonathan to read over the past few months. In doing so, he has noticed that Jonathan gets really close to the book as he's reading. I've noticed the same when he plays his Leapster, and even when he watches our 42" TV. He stands directly in front of it, where most people would go cross-eyed. So we took him to the pediatrician to get a referral to an eye doctor. The pediatrician said he was 20/40, which is actually normal for this age, but sent us to the eye doctor to be sure anyway. The eye doctor said, it's not so much that his eyesight is impaired, but that he has astigmatism, which may effect his vision. She said he didn't really need glasses, but that some kids like to be able to see more clearly, so she prescribed some, but really said it would be for him to decide whether or not he wants to wear them.

That's what every parent wants to hear -"Go buy your child some glasses that they may not truly need!" So I went to the Exchange and got the cheapest pair, if he wears them, we'll consider a nicer pair...

Clara was excited for him

He thought it was cool, to look just like Daddy!

Time to try them out!

After a while he started to look over them, instead of through them, holding his head in an awkward position, so we took the glasses off. We'll try again a few more times. Plus, we're supposed to go back to the eye doctor with the glasses on in April so they can reassess as well.

See how flush his cheeks are? He came down with a fever last night while he was reading. It's wasn't until bedtime that we noticed he was warm. I didn't notice how you could practically see it come over him until I was going though these pictures.

Guess who finished 'Hooked on Phonics for Kindergartners'?!

I did it!!!!

All the books Jonathan has read!

We're so proud!

Jonathan and Daddy (the best reading teacher!)

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan you look so handsome in your new glasses. I hope you like them. And congratulations on finishing Hooked on Phonics. Pretty soon you will be catching up to Clara in reading books. I love you.
