Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Festivities

This year, our neighbor's across the street hosted Easter Dinner. We moved the kids egg hunt to the evening, right before dinner. I was finishing up some cooking, so I sent Chris out with the camera to take pictures of the egg hunt.



He wanted to open each one as he found it, and had no desire to look for more once he had one!


The Bearcat Kids

We have a small tradition, called 'Mystery Egg'. When making deviled eggs, you put some hot sauce under the yolk. No one knows which one is the 'mystery Egg' until someone bites into it! Belle wanted to get the mystery egg, and she did!


Her dad, Matt, finished it for her.

He obviously didn't mind the hot sauce!

Matthew got to jump on the trampoline with Mrs. Carrie and some of the other kids!

Matthew and Hunter

No idea who thought it was a good idea to give him a cake pop on the trampoline, but he seems to like it!

We did a confetti egg fight again this year, but I was having camera issues (my SD card was full, and by the time I switched it out, the battle was over). Belle had planned to get Chris back for last year, when he smashed an egg on her head, but I kinda stole her thunder when I saw an opportunity to get him (sorry Belle).

Bearcat girls

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