Saturday, April 30, 2011

Growing Crystals

What better way to spend a lazy Saturday morning than growing crystals with the kids!

First we colored the water with red, blue and yellow bath tablets and mixed the colors to make more colors.

Then each of the kids got to take turns putting in the little rocks that came with the kit.

We had to let them soak for a while so they would 'grow'


The little rocks grew into those gel 'crystals' like you see in candles or artificial flower arrangements.

The kids were more impressed by the tie-dye pattern left on the paper plate and paper towel by the crystals as they dried!

Clara actually taped the paper towel up on her bedroom door, which you know kills me every time I walked down the hall. I have a feeling it may disappear after a couple days!

We'll have to find a recipe for rock candy. I think they may more impressed by crystals that taste good...and then there won't be anything to hang up!

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