Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department

Today, Jonathan's preschool went on a field trip to the Lemoore Volunteer Fire Department.

They sent this fire truck to come pick us all up and take us back to the station!

Once back at the station, Fireman Marcus, put on his suit piece by piece, playing 'Am I scary now?"

Matthew and Jonathan watched intently.

This is about when Matthew decided that Fireman Marcus was, in fact, scary. Thankfully, we were not in a real fire, because he surely would've run away from Marcus in that suit!

Jonathan showed everyone how to 'Stop, Drop, and Roll'...did you know you are supposed to cover your face when you do? I didn't know that!

After watching Jonathan, Matthew wanted to show everyone that he knew how to 'Stop, Drop, and Roll' too!

He's got it down perfectly!

Fireman Jonathan

Everyone was watching Fireman Marcus explain what was on the truck and why.

Jonathan even got a chance to get on the truck and check it out!

Mrs. Mary helped him down.

Fireman Lockers

Everyone got a chance to hold the hose.

Whoa! He's a natural!

The whole class

Loading back up to head back to school.


Matthew didn't mind the ride there, but wasn't fond of the ride back at all!

Jonathan in the driver's seat

Being a fireman for the day is really tiring!

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