Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mileage Run

After school today, the boys and I went to Clara's school to do the mileage run with her. Her school does a 1 mile run once a month after school as a way to help keep the kids active. We haven't made it to any yet with her, because they're always scheduled for right after school, which is the boys' naptime. Today, we ran errands after Jonathan got out of school, so the boys were still up, and since summer is near, we won't have too many other opportunities.

Clara was not expecting us, so she was extra excited to see us!

Stretching before the run

Touch your toes!

And the race is on! Jonathan was excited to walk with Clara's friends!

They stayed together and talked the whole way!

Getting their charms at the finish line!

The kids at home with their charms!

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