Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Zoo

The kids are out of school for spring break, so we took a trip to the zoo!




I let the kids go in the petting zoo. I don't let them do that too much anymore, so it was Matthew's first time in there since he was old enough to walk around on his own. I thought Jonathan was fearless at this age in terms of animals, but he was nothing compared to Matthew. Matthew wanted to kiss the goats, but the problem is that he doesn't like to kiss animals anywhere, but on the nose. If the goats wouldn't look at him, he'd grab them by the horns to turn their head...I just about had a heart attack!

Jonathan brushing a goat

Jonathan and Matthew being nice to the goat!

Petting the goat

Clara and her favorite goat (because it was laying in the trough).

Clara and Jonathan with the goat

Look! I'm in a picture!

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