Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grandpa John!

In addition to Friday being Jonathan's preschool graduation, it was also Grandpa John's birthday! Chris called Uncle Larry to see if they had plans and they invited us to join them and some of their closest friends for dinner in celebration of John's birthday!

Clara, Aunt Sandi, Uncle Larry and Grandpa John

Uncle Larry, Grandpa John, Chuck and Aunt Mary (we were pleasantly surprised to see that Aunt Mary made the drive up from San Diego!)

It's great to see Grandpa John has so many friends to share his special day with!

Gift time!

Uncle Larry's fancy wrapping job!

A personalized bible...

...and a cover for it.

'If you're old and you know it, crick your knees...'

'Is it hot in here?...Or is it you?' The fan spun around when you opened the card :)

Matthew loves to dip his food...and his fingers!


Cake Time!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa John!!!!

Carrot Cake!

Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandi pass out the cake

'Yep, my tongue's still there!'

Happy Birthday, Grandpa John! Thank you for letting us celebrate with you!

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