Thursday, May 19, 2011

Open House

Tonight was Open House at Clara's school, so she got to show us around her classroom.

Mrs. Cope had a wonderful set up to show off the students' work, and even some stations where the families were able to make something too, like this butterfly project.

Jonathan decided to give it a try

He had to trace a template of a butterfly, cut it out, fold it in half, decorate one side with paint, then press the 2 sides together again.

The example Clara had made in class earlier!

Ant Farm

Clara's self-portrait

Jonathan looking through bug eyes!

Clara even got a chance to show us some of her computer work!

Then she showed us how to draw on the computer...

A Lightning McQueen for Jonathan!

Chris and I both have volunteered in Clara's class throughout the year, so much of the work was stuff we'd seen before, but Clara really enjoyed showing us around her space. Jonathan was extremely excited to go see it all. Mrs. Cope has been a wonderful teacher throughout the year. She truly has been a perfect fit for Clara. I only wish Clara could continue to be in her class!

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