Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Award Ceremony

Today we went to Clara's school for the Award Ceremony. I had received an email from her teacher last week, encouraging me to be there because Clara was to receive an award, so I made sure Chris had the morning off from work as well.

Clara waiting to receive her award with her classmates

Mrs. Cope spoke highly of all her students

Clara received a Good Citizenship Award for always helping her teacher and her friends

...and a Top Scholar Award for working hard and excelling at all she does!

...and a Perfect Attendance Award for not missing a single day all year!

The Award Ceremony was bittersweet for our family, because while we are so proud of Clara and all her accomplishments, we also learned that her teacher, Mrs. Cope, is retiring. I feel blessed and fortunate that Clara was able to have her this year. My neighbor's son had her 2 years ago for 1st grade as well, and it was rumored that she was to retire after that school year. I'm not sure what postponed her retirement, but I really can't help but think it was a blessing. Clara excelled in kindergarten as well, but the environment was no where near as positive as the one Mrs. Cope created. By the end of last school year, I spoke with Clara's pediatrician about my concern that she may be depressed. I often feel that Clara takes the weight of the world on her shoulders, that she doesn't believe in herself as others do, and that she always strives to be something more, when in actuality, what she already is, is more than enough. A few months into this school year I tearfully spoke to Mrs. Cope about the difference she made, not just in Clara, but in our family. She lifted Clara up, made her believe in herself and helped her find her voice, as she did for each and every one of her students. For that, I am forever grateful.

I know Clara will always excel in her education. She has a quick mind, she's eager to learn, and she just gets it. It comes easy to her. For Clara, the challenge will be to take the time to be a kid, to make mistakes and know that she will still be loved. To know that sometimes it's OK to step outside of what's expected, and just be silly, be yourself. I know Mrs. Cope has only laid the groundwork, and our parenting is the strongest support system, but thankfully, the foundation she laid is strong!

Clara cried, as did I, upon hearing of Mrs. Cope's retirement. For the last week, every time Clara told Chris and I how much she was going to miss Mrs. Cope, we told her she'd be able to stop by Mrs. Cope's classroom next year to say 'hi'. Today, there was nothing we could do but hug her. I hugged Mrs Cope too, and selfishly told her she was supposed to stick around until Jonathan was in the 1st grade! She promised me this was not goodbye for us. I hope so. Clara came home from school almost in tears once again.

We are so proud of Clara and all her accomplishments. As she received her 3rd award, you could hear whispers from the other children, "Whoa, another one?!" She was the only kid of all the 1st and 2nd grade classes to receive all 3 awards. She is an amazing child, taught by an amazing teacher. I hope Mrs. Cope realizes the difference she made.

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