Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mason's Birthday Party

One of our neighbors threw a birthday party for her son, Mason, and invited us for a fun day of burgers and water fun! The kids had a blast!

Carson and Clara

Matthew stealing Cheetos

Jonathan and Clara eating cupcakes

Matthew's love affair with Caprisuns continues!

Jonathan on the water slide



Clara's turn!



Matthew wasn't interested in the water slide. He was perfectly content stomping in the runoff on the sidewalk.

...and slapping his hands in it.

He was having so much fun he drew a crowd!

Mason's mom could've saved some money on that water slide :)

Clara, Matthew, and Mason (the birthday boy!)

Matthew decided the runoff water was even good enough to drink!

Once again, he made it look so good that Clara and Mason gave it a try!


Brianna, Tommy and Belle on the slide

Logan, Belle, and Brianna

Thanks for letting us help you celebrate today Mason. We had a great time!

Happy Birthday!

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