Saturday, July 9, 2011

CA Adventure Park

Finally! We made it to Anaheim. We drove down on the 4th. The kids were so excited to finally get to Disney, and excited to hopefully catch the firework show from the balcony of our hotel!

Letting the 'crazies' out after a long road trip!

Matthew was excited to see Teagan again...and even more excited to finally be out of his car seat. They didn't catch too much of the fireworks. We had to get them off to bed so they could get some good sleep before we headed to CA Adventure Park int he morning!

Clara's #1 memory from our last trip to CA Adventure Park 2 years ago was the Monster's Inc ride. It's all she talked about. She couldn't wait to go on it again, so we had to hit it up 1st!



Which one's your door?

Posing in a Monstropolis Taxi

Scary Monsters!

Then we went to see the Disney Playhouse Live

My main men

My beautiful niece

She had so much fun participating! I'm not sure Matthew even understood he was supposed to...Hard to believe they're only a month apart in age!

Handy Manny

The tools

Little Einsteins

The extent of Matthew's participation, clapping along. Honestly, we were just happy he wasn't running all around!

Jake and the Neverland Pirates

Clara looking through her telescope

Matthew found treasure falling from the ceiling!

"If you have ears, say 'cheers!' "

Clara and Max

Not sure which one's Goofy :)

Matthew wasn't sure what to think of Goofy and Max

Bumper cars in Bug's Land


Teagan and I waiting in line

Clara, Jonathan and Crystal in the Bug Land's version of the Teacups!

Cooling off in the water

Matthew was happy to be free!

Pluto, Crystal and Teagan

Jonathan (Soggy Doggy) and Pluto

Clara and Pluto

Matthew and I with Pluto

A highlight for Jonathan, meeting Mater and Lightning McQueen


Clara and Crystal on the Little Mermaid ride

Chris and Matthew

Ariel and Flounder

'Under the Sea'


'Go on and Kiss the Girl'

Catch of the day (Look closely to find Jonathan)

Teagan found Mickey!!!!!!


Awesome family pic!

Heading to the Ferris Wheel

Jonathan, Matthew, Tina and I opted for the Ferris Wheel cars for chickens. It was so nice to feel the breeze when we got up high. Everyone else opted for the scary cars that slid and pivoted...Clara didn't find the ride so relaxing!

Crystal and Teagan with Buzz Lightyear

To Infinity...and Beyond!

My favorite action figure family!

Look at those muscles!

Clara and Crystal swinging around

Chris and Jonathan

Chris was excite dto finally have someone go on ride with him, since he married a big chicken!

Jellyfish Jumping

Clara and Matt

Jonathan's face is priceless!


All worn out...about Midday...

Matthew didn't get the memo that kids can sleep in strollers.

Finally free! Running around the tree house

Matthew was not a fan of the theme parks, because the crowds meant he was confined to the stroller. He's not a 'sit still and stay with mom' kind of kid. I wasn't taking any chances with letting him loose. Three days of stroller confinement didn't make him happy, so moments like this when we found an area to safely set him free were priceless!

Jonathan wasn't sure what to think of this 'zipline'! He was debating up to the last minute while we were in line whether or not he was going to try it.

Clara loved it!

One of my scariest moments...I sent the kids up some stairs to come down a slide, where I was waiting at the bottom with Matthew. There only should have been a split second they would be out of my sight. Little did I know, it was possible to take a wrong turn in that split second. I kept waiting, and waiting. Then started to panic and look around for them, only to find them at the other side of the tree house, walking across these ropes, trying to stay calm and find a way down to me...When I got them back by my side, we left the tree house. I was not doing that again!

This was on our last day, of 3. Teagan was pooped, and snuggled up with Uncle Chris!

Since it was our last day, we were going around both parks, ridding all our favorite rides one last time!

Beetle Bumpers again! Clara was excited that she's old/tall enough to do a lot of rides on her own. I felt bad that she was often on her own, as I stayed back with Matthew, or Chris and I accompanied Jonathan and Matthew...a drawback to parents being outnumbered by their kids :)

Chris and Jonathan

Ferris Wheel at night

Watching the 'World of Color' laser light show

The firework finale

We left the park so hungry. There's an IHOP right across the street and it sounded delicious. Teagan and Matthew were in rare for that night though. I think they were getting their second wind!

Matthew always finds himself amusing...

This night Teagan found him amusing, too. Try telling a Stein boy to stop doing something when the pretty girl next to him thinks it's funny...nevermind that they're cousins!

Blowing kisses

So precious!

We had a great time. I took so many pics (obviously). The kids had a blast. We loved seeing the smiles on their faces, and loved that we got to do this trip with Teagan and Crystal and her family. Next time we're waiting until Matthew (and Teagan) are old enough to really enjoy it as well!

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