Sunday, July 10, 2011

Character Breakfast

We started our first morning at Disney with a character breakfast. We figured it would be a relaxing way for the kids to meet some of their favorite characters, but with 4 kids at our table and so many characters to meet, breakfast was less than relaxing!

Matthew and Max
Jonathan and Max

Dale proposing to Clara

Clara and Dale

Jonathan and Brer Fox

Matthew and Brer Fox

Clara and Brer Fox

Brer Fox sneaking up on Teagan

Minnie and Teagan

Peekaboo with Matthew

Minnie's got your nose!

Two can play that game!

Jonathan and Eeyore

Teagan and Eeyore

Clara and Eeyore

Kisses for Eeyore

Matthew and Eeyore

Chris wanted his picture with Eeyore just to show his Aunt Sandi, who is Eeyore's biggest fan!

Tigger playing with Clara's hat

Teagan and Tigger

I think Tigger's in love!

Big hugs for Tigger

Matthew was just interested in eating at this point!

Captain Hook trying to recruit a new pirate...

He can be VERY persuasive!

Captain Hook found some jewels.

Clara and Captain Hook

Hook isn't impressed!

Watch out Chris, Hook has his eye on your fair maiden!

Crystal and Teagan with Hook

Not a fan of screaming 2 yr olds! (That's how I look by the end of most days.)

Crystal and Teagan with EJ Penguin

EJ Penguin and Jonathan

We thought EJ Penguin was just a penguin from 'Happy Feet'...he was kind enough to humor us!

Got your nose!

Jonathan and Rafiki

Clara and Rafiki

Rafiki and Teagan

Jonathan and Minnie (one of my favorite pics!)

Teagan and Minnie

Jonathan and Chip

Clara and Chip

Teagan and Chip

The Fairy Godmother

Jonathan and Fairy Godmother

Clara and Fairy Godmother

Teagan and Fairy Godmother

Breakfast was great! We got a ton of pics and autographs as you can see. The kids LOVED it! It's so awesome to see the magic of Disney in their eyes!

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