Monday, July 11, 2011

Cow Appreciation Day '11

I was so excited this year that Chris was actually home to participate in Cow Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, it fell on July 8th this year, which happened to be the day we drove home from our vacation at Disney. I wasn't going to little thing like that interfere with the opportunity to share with Chris the types of embarrassing things I get roped into for our kids (and FREE Chick-fil-A, of course!) We dressed in white and I brought along lots of sticky black felt to stick on us as we drove from the hotel to CFA, before getting on the road. As I stuck Chris' spots on him, he proceeded to tell me how he wasn't doing it, and would rather pay for his meal...

My only regret is that this is the only picture I got of Chris 'paying' for his meal. Matthew, on the other hand, was REALLY not in the mood!
My favorite cows!

Just ready to be home :)


The only thing better than Chick-fil-A is free Chick-fil-A!

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