Sunday, July 24, 2011

Woodward Park

Still squeezing the most out of the summer, Chris and Clara went to Woodward Park today with the Coulter's to do some bike riding.

Clara took along Jonathan's bike since it's breaks are way better!
Ready to go!

Clara and Belle

Chris, Belle and Hunter

Chris and Clara. Clara's still getting used to the hills :)

Time to cool off!

All the water around here is from melted snow running off of the it's rarely warm.

As you can see, that didn't stop them!




The Coulter's

Chris and Clara

Jonathan is currently working on starting his bike on his own. Once he gets started, he can ride just fine, but he doesn't quite believe in himself enough just yet to get started on his own. Hopefully, he'll get that down soon. In addition, rumor is that Santa Claus may bring me a bike and Matthew a bike seat so we can all tag along next time. I can't wait!

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