Monday, May 12, 2008

Clara's Day

On Saturday Chris let me go shopping while he stayed home with the kids. He took some time to explain to Clara what Mother's Day was, and to sit down with her so they could make some cards for me. Clara asked Chris how to spell such heartfelt words as 'camel' and pizza' to include in those cards. Apparently Clara was so excited that she couldn't wait to tell her friends, "Tomorrow is my mommy's day!"

At some point during our ride from Yosemite on Sunday, I let Chris listen to country music in the car, to which his response was, "But it's not even Father's Day!" With the realization that there was also a Father's Day, Clara then wanted to know when is 'Clara's Day'?

Once all this confusion was settled, there was just one more little thing to be clarified...Do we get cake for Mother's Day?

Looks like that's a 'Yes!!!!'

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