Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day at Yosemite

For Mother's Day Chris and the kids took me to Yosemite. We had gone to Yosemite in October, but there was no snow on the ground, nor water in the waterfalls. We read then that late spring was a better time to go, once all the winter's snow had started to melt. So we've been planning a trip back since our first trip in October. Lucky for me, I got to spend mother's day there.

Tunnel View

This is the first real lookout once you get into Yosemite. There's a short tunnel you drive through and then it opens out to this view (thus, the name). Towards the back you can see the Half Dome - a major landmark in Yosemite

I thought this picture was too cute, it's as if Clara is a tour guide, and Jonathan is listening so intently

The family poses for a pic at Tunnel View (there's a waterfall just behind Jonathan's head)

This is Bridalveil Falls from a distance...

...and this is Bridalveil Falls close up. I got so wet taking this picture. The water was so cold it took my breath away -- but soooo worth it!

Some of the run off from Bridalveil Falls

Family pic

I believe this was Yosemite Falls. There were easily 8 or 9 different waterfalls around the park, and that was just from mostly main streets. We obviously can't hike too much with the 2 little ones. It could get confusing at times figuring out which waterfall you were seeing when you were at a distance.

Lower Yosemite Falls

Here we are in the same spot back in October. The rock Clara and I are standing on in this picture is the same rock the whole family has their feet on in the picture above. Notice the lack of waterfall!

Here I am sitting on that same rock with the kids yesterday.

Lower Yosemite Falls -- October 2007

Lower Yosemite Falls -- May 2008

Lower Yosemite Falls

This is the Half Dome. It was difficult to get a good picture of it yesterday due to the lighting and the smog, but this was a really beautiful view of it.

Half Dome (taken in October)

Half Dome

This a picture of Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls. Keep in mind that the pics of us in front of the waterfall were just of the lower half of this. The Upper Falls were eclipsed by the rocks and trees -- Amazing!

We had a great time and as you can see it was absolutely beautiful. What more could I ask for on Mother's Day? Quality time with the family in a place so beautiful. It was a great day.

1 comment:

  1. How GORGEOUS - amazing to see the differences in the time of year too. What a beautiful place to spend the day with the family!! (And I hope you told Clara that EVERY day is kids day it seems! ) :)
