Friday, May 23, 2008

Deployment Chain

I've heard from a lot of the other wives in Chris' squadron about 'deployment chains', which are simply the old construction paper chains used to help countdown the weeks until the guys return home. So Clara and I made one this morning.

Every Sunday we'll take off one link until Chris comes home.

There were only 29 links -- it doesn't seem so long when you think of it that way!

We put it up over the back door in the dining room so we'll see it often (and so that Jonathan can't reach it to destroy it!) Here's to counting down!!!!

I finally got a pic of Clara with the bear Chris made her. It's dressed like Ariel. of course!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought to do the chain where every link represents a week. I've always done it for every day. My last friend who's husband was deployed did a link for every day and the chain wrapped around her whole house at teh beginning - it was pretty funny!
