Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Slip 'N Slide

The weather's been kind of cool and rainy lately and we've all been doing a bunch of nothing the past few days, so I figured I'd share some pics of our summer fun just before Chris left. We bought a Slip 'N Slide this year and Jonathan thinks it about the coolest invention ever. Since the kids haven't quite figured out how to pick up speed by running and jumping on it, Chris was helping the kids out by throwing them down the slide, which they thought was WAY fun! I took these pics with the continuous pic function on the camera -- so we got some really cool action shots. Jonathan would smile and laugh the whole way down.

Where as, Clara would scrunch up her face even after she insisted on wearing googles to keep the water out of eyes. (Obviously they would work better if she actually put them over her eyes, but it didn't make much difference in her facial expressions)

Of course, the Slip 'N Slide is great for getting a drink of water too!

Unfortunately, I'm not strong enough to throw them down the slide like Chris, so hopefully they'll learn to get down to the end on their own this summer!


  1. what a GREAT function for your camera - with kids, everything is continuous action, right? Looks like LOTS of water fun!

  2. Do they make slip-n-slides for adults?
