Saturday, May 31, 2008

Summer Line-up

To keep us busy this summer while Chris is gone, I've signed the kids up for a lot of new activites. Next week Clara will start 'Tiny Tots' at the Community Center here on base. It's Tue and Thurs mornings from 9-11am. It's more or less a play group for 3-4yr olds, that I can drop her off for. Since that frees up some of my time, I signed Jonathan up for a tumbling class, also at the Community Center on Tues and Thurs mornings 9-9:45am. My presence is needed for that class, but I know he'll love it. It should be similar to Gymboree classes with songs and mats and the parachute (hopefully he's not scared of the parachute like Clara was at this age!) Clara will also start dance classes (ballet/tap combo) in a couple weeks at the Community Center. As you can see, there are lots of fun things for the kids at the Community Center, and the best part is that you can see it from my backyard (gas prices not a problem here)!

At the end of June the kids will both take swim lessons at a swim school off base. We could've done lessons at the base pool, but I've heard only the best things about this swim school and they offer more personalized attention. Clara will be in a class of 5 and Jonathan will get one on one attention. 30 min classes, 5 days a week for 2 weeks -- and that takes us into July.

At the end of July and the first week of August, Clara will be attending zoo camp. She is signed up for 2 separate camps, each a week long from 9am-12pm M-F. She loves the zoo, and since the stingray exhibit has been set up there, that's all she wants to do when we go. So of course her first week of zoo camp is entitled "A, B, Seas" where she gets to learn all about sea creatures and yes, an up close look at the stingrays. The second week of zoo camp will be learning to take pics of her favorite zoo animal friends. I have to send her in with a disposable camera and they help her get some good pics. She'll have a week off in between those 2 weeks of zoo camp which should be perfect.

Before we know it Chris will be home again! With so much to look forward to, how can we not have fun this summer?!

1 comment:

  1. THIS is great - and how wonderful that it's so close for you! Lots of fun activities to keep you busy!
