Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tissue, Please.

Jonathan has recently learned how to open all the sliding doors around the house (closets, pantry, shower). Lately he comes and plays "Where'd mommy go?" at the shower door when I'm trying to take a shower, opening the door to find me and closing it to hide me. It was cute at first, but now it just lets out all the warm air (and peace and quiet) from my shower. So I was happy to have him leave me alone for a few minutes at the end of my shower today -- until I found what had entertained him for those few minutes.

It was a full box of tissues, now it's maybe half full. I only wish I could've seen his face as he pulled them all out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. This brings true meaning to the term "entertain yourself." I have to admit Christopher's older brother Robert did this to me once. I had royal blue carpet and the tissue was yellow. Hang in there girl!
