Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mr. No Feel-Good

How do you know when your little one doesn't feel well? When you go in his room at 10 am, yes 10, and you have to wake him up to get him out of bed. Then he pushes away the fresh berries and grapes you give him for breakfast, which has seemingly been the ONLY thing he wants to eat for all 3 meals for about a month now.

Finally, everytime you look at him, he looks like this - curled up on the floor with his stuffed animals. When I got out from the shower he was sleeping on the floor - he has NEVER fallen asleep on the floor before, not even as a baby.

This is him laying on the kitchen floor while I cooked dinner.

I'm not sure what's wrong with him. He's nibbling on food, drinking plenty, mild fever and pretty lethargic. My only clues into how he's feeling are Clara's stuffy nose and my massive headache -- I'm sure there's something going around. Seems we always turn up sick when Chris is out of town.

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby - they always look so pathetic when they lose all energy. I've heard this from other military wives - that the first two weeks of every deployment are filled with sick kids and broken appliances!
