Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Big Boy Bed - Take 1

Saturday night before Chris left, we decided to try and get Jonathan to sleep in his 'big boy bed' so Chris took the front panel off the crib. I didn't think he was ready for it, but was going along with the plan because I was sure Chris was worried he'd miss the milestone otherwise

I was positive this was indeed a sign that my baby was now a big boy -- though I wasn't sure I was OK with that notion. Still, I couldn't miss having my picture taken with him on this very important night.

Jonathan checked it out and seemed excited about the freedom and independence that this afforded him...

...Until it was actually time to go to bed.

At 10:30 pm Chris began putting the front panel back on the crib.

1 comment:

  1. Oh - poor Jonathan. Did NOT look like he was happy about his new bed at all! So is the crib back to a crib? And are you going to try again at some point or wait until the deployment is over?
