Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Before Chris left he went to Build-A-Bear and made the kids stuffed animals with a recording of his voice saying he loved them. (We made similar bears for all the grandparents last Christmas with the kids voices. They make a wonderful gift). This is Jonathan with his new 'Jonasaurus' (the name makes it extra special because when I was pregnant with him, and we told Clara what his name was to be, she mispronounced it for the first few months and called him 'Jonasaur')

When Chris came home with them on Sunday, Clara wanted to take hers outside to show it to her friends, so Jonathan followed along. I haven't gotten a pic of Clara with hers yet :(

Yesterday morning before Chris left, he had some time to hang out with us.

He helped Clara color her bear's house.

And they read a book together.

We miss him already -- today Jonathan saw that pair of Chris' PJ pants as I was pulling them out of the dryer. He looked at me and said, "Daddy, back! Mmm Hmm." Which is what he's learned to say when Chris typically leaves for work or the room for that matter, instead of crying. I wasn't sure how to respond.

1 comment:

  1. And so it begins. Jonathan looks adorable clutching his jonasaur - it's a great idea to do the bears with the recording. They are sure to get lots of love in the next few months.
