Friday, June 13, 2008

Cool Drink of Water

Today I took Clara to her Tiny Tots class and then Jonathan and I went on our walk. I wore my pedometer today and was a little disappointed to see that it's only 3 miles that we walk, but by the end of it the pedometer said I had taken just over 6600 steps -- a good start for the "10,000 a day" a lot of people advocate.
Anyway, I got home with just enough time to shower before picking Clara up. When I turned off the water, Jonathan showed up in the bathroom (in that seemingly magical way kids always do at that age) to greet me as I opened the shower door. First thing I noticed was that he had one of Clara's little bathroom cups in his hand. I recently bought one of those dispensers with the little 3oz Dixie cups for Clara to be able to get to water whenever she needs it. So I saw Jonathan with the cup and thought, "Wow, he figured out how to pull the cups off." Clara still struggles with it sometimes. Then I realized it's full of water - and that hoping he had also learned how to work the faucet was perhaps too ambitious. So where did he get the water?
You guessed it! I went into the kids' bathroom hoping to find their step stool in front of the sink and the toilet seat closed, but no. The step stool was actually in front of the toilet and there was water all over the toilet seat and floor. As I was taking all this in, it dawned on me that there was a cup in the trash can (Clara is allowed one cup a day, she sits it on the counter after the first use and then at the end of the day, throws it away after brushing her teeth). So I looked in the bathroom trash to see no cup was in there anymore.
So in recap, while I took a shower today, my son took a cup out of the trash and used it to drink water out of the toilet --
Does this take me out of the running for Mother of the Year?


  1. No more than when we had a fish tank and had a hatchet fish jump out of the tank and you ate it as you were crawling around the floor. Probably the only time I ever got you to eat fish :).

  2. Oh we've all been there!! Well, at least he's learning to be self-sufficient, right? UGh!

  3. I remember the time John and I were at some friend's house playing cards. Lynette was about Jonathan's age and while we were playing cards she came up to me with a hand full of cat food and then opened her mouth to show me how she was actually eating the cat food. Sometimes you wonder how they survive to be adults but they are resilient. Hang in there
