Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday the 13th

So, aside from Jonathan drinking from the toilet we had one other strange happening around here yesterday for Friday the 13th. When I got Clara up from her nap yesterday she had this huge red bruise on her arm. She was wearing a sleeveless dress yesterday, so I was sure it wasn't there when I put her down for her nap. It was brighter yesterday, I didn't take the pic until this morning once I knew how it came to be.
I was really worried. It's one of those times when you wished you could say for certain you were the only one who had cared for your child so you can automatically rule out any wrong doing. But seeing as how she was at Tiny Tots for 4 mornings last week I immediately started asking her questions about how the bruise came to be and if anyone had been hurting her. I really wouldn't suspect the lady's that teach her Tiny Tots class of anything, but when a large mark like this shows up on your child, you have to cover all the bases. I went through a long discussion with her about how no one is allowed to hurt her and she should tell me if anyone does even if they've told her otherwise, I won't be mad. She simply told me, "No one's hurting me, Mommy".
I could only take her word, but still when I got into bed last night it wore heavy on me how such a bright bruise could happen without her remembering even running into something. Then it dawned on me -- the orientation of it, which I had thought earlier was a perfect match for a thumbprint if someone had grabbed her with their right hand --was also the perfect placement for her to put her mouth. That's right, a hickie. I almost wanted to wake her right then to ask her if that's how it happened.
Sure enough when I asked her this morning, she admitted that's what she had done. At first she told me, "no", but once I told her I wasn't going to be mad I just needed to know -- she admitted to it. So today when anyone asked how she got that bruise, I got to explain that my 4yr old had a hickie! It's probably the only time I'll ever be relieved to see my daughter has a hickie!

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