Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Clara made this poster for Chris. I am so proud of her, she did a great job.

And the kids got 'Dad Tattoos'

I am very fortunate to have married a man who is such a wonderful father to our children. He's a natural at being goofy and works hard at being a better dad all the time. I'm no longer offended when Clara makes a comment alluding to the fact that Chris is the fun parent, or even the nice one. I know we both play roles that are important in raising our children right, and I'm just glad Clara and Jonathan know Chris so well, even if he does have to be away from us more than most men are away from their family. Whether he's here or not, Chris is an involved parent and I hope our kids are always proud of him and appreciative of the sacrifices he makes, both as a father and a serviceman.

Happy Father's Day Chris, We love you!


  1. Great job on the poster Clara. I'm sure your Daddy misses you and Jonathan today but I know he is thinking of you.

  2. Clara I am so proud of the great job you did on your poster for your Dad. I know he will love it. I know your dad would rather be with yu guys than where he is. And Jonathan, you did a fantastic job on the video. We love you all.

  3. the dad tattoos are the best - those are hilarious!!!
