Monday, June 30, 2008

A Good Day

We've had a good couple days around here lately. Clara seems to be getting the messages I've been giving her. She's been telling the truth and even showing some maturity at times when a couple of weeks ago she would've chosen to argue -- disagreements equivalent to the importance of whether or not a penguin can fly. She's started to tell me, "Well it's okay if you think that and I think this and it will just be okay because we can use our imagination." Some of the times she chooses to settle things that way it has taken a lot for me not to continue to counter with, "No, really, penguins can't fly" or whatever the pertinent information is, but I know the more important lesson is how to settle a disagreement. Not to mention, it's pretty impressive for a 4 year old to have figured this much out.

She's even showing some restraint towards her brother. Today Jonathan tried to take a toy from her while we were down at a neighbor's house and when she didn't give it up he resorted to pulling her hair. She did nothing to retaliate, rather let me handle it. One of the other parents that was down there made a point to tell Clara he was really proud of her for showing such restraint and then looked to me to tell me I had done a good job. I think we both needed to hear the encouragement lately and it made Clara's day. When we came home for dinner she said, "Mommy! Did you hear Mr. Chris tell me he was so proud of me?" He didn't even know what we've been going through around here lately -- it was very timely.

Jonathan on the other hand didn't learn much because once we were home he tried to take yet another toy away from Clara and when she didn't give it up he threw something at her. He sat in time out. I don't think Clara ever had to sit in time out this early, and this isn't even the first time Jonathan has either. It was, however, the first time he sat in time out alone, without me holding him there -- so I think he's starting to really hear me too. I am starting to think he's been picking on Clara a lot longer than Chris and I realized, but she was getting blamed for it. When I catch him and discipline him, he turns on the biggest pout you've ever seen, a real pro!...chin slightly down, eyes looking up so they're wide open, big puffy cheeks and the bottom lip pushed out ever so slightly. He runs to me like he's expecting me to comfort him, but when he gets to me he throws his arms around me and simply kisses me and then walks away. Guilty Conscience, I think!

The kids started swim lessons today so our mornings just got busier. They're only a half hour long, but they ask the parents to leave so that the children won't be distracted. I should be able to stay and watch the last 2 days (next Thurs and Fri). They take the lessons at a swim school in Lemoore, but the school is actually at someone's house and backyard pool. I suppose the pool is a little less intimidating than the bigger public pools you'd typically go to. There were about 6 swim teachers in the water -- 2 taught classes of 5 (Clara's class) and the other 4 just had one younger child for private lessons (Jonathan's class). Jonathan, of course, cried for pretty much the full 30 minutes because I had left him (I could hear him as I waited in the front yard), but Clara thought it was the coolest. She said today they learned how to be boats -- I couldn't really get out of her what that entailed, but it seemed to be fun anyway... and she couldn't wait to show me the dragonfly her teacher had pulled out of the pool.

The kids have been really good lately and were laughing up a storm as we played chase just before bedtime tonight. I tell you, listening to those kids laugh their big belly laughs is the best reward any parent could ask for!

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