Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Chris' Post

Here's a few pics Chris has sent me over the past few weeks. For some reason, that I can only assume is boredom, each time the guys go away they employ some new grooming techniques as some sort of ritual. When we were first married and Chris went away, he grew a mustache and shaved his head. So far this time around only the mustache has reappeared. I told Chris it wouldn't be a bad thing if the mustache had disappeared before he made it home, but he didn't wait that long. Shortly after sending me this picture he said he shaved it off because it was bugging him and he didn't have the proper tools to trim it. I'm not so disappointed :)

This is a picture of the Hong Kong shoreline. Chris said the pic doesn't do justice to how big the buildings are, still it's a pretty picture. The ship was only in Hong Kong for a few days, but the guys were able to get off the ship for a while and take in some sights.

I guess Chris didn't think my sunset pic was pretty enough :) Actually he said he was flying and saw that it was going to be an awesome sunset this particular night, and luckily he landed in time to go up to the deck of the ship and take pics. Any sunset on the water beats a sunset on land in my opinion! The pic was taken in the water somewhere near the Philipines.

I'm not typically supposed to post, or even discuss in email, details about the ship's whereabouts -- but I've stated no more here than you can find out by going to the ship's website: http://www.reagan.navy.mil/
If you're interested in seeing what the guys are up to, check out the link. I don't want to push my luck or get Chris in trouble should I mistakenly say more than I should, but truthfully I don't think I know anything that's not common knowledge anyway :)
Chris is doing well and studying up more on flying. He says he's been working out quite a bit (what else are they going to do while they're stuck on the boat) and working tons. He sent the kids a DVD of him reading some picture books to them. It's a pretty cool way for him to stay involved even when he's not here and the kids loved being able to see him on TV!
With the link we took off the deployment chain this past Sunday, just 23 weeks to go!

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe I've ever seen Chris with a moustache. My what a beautiful sunset. That one even puts Arizona sunsets to shame and they are supposed to be the best. I think that is great the way Chris was able to read the children a book even from so far away. You are such good parents. Once again. Thank you for sharing with us. Love you all.
