Friday, July 4, 2008

Swim Lessons

Today I woke up to face one of the most well thought out arguments I've ever heard from a four year old. The first thing Clara said to me this morning was, "There's a good reason I don't want to go to swim lessons today. It is that there's this board thing that they want me to jump off and it's called a diving board. I don't want to jump off, so I don't think we should go." Unfortunately for Clara, the fact that she had thought this argument out so well still didn't mean she got her way. We did go and she did jump off the diving board...2 times. I still don't get to watch until this coming Thurs. and Fri., but I was listening from the front yard and never once heard her complain. I just heard her splash! Jonathan, however, is still crying for just about the full 30 min., though there's been some small improvements. He doesn't start crying as soon as I start getting him into his swim diaper anymore (before he even sees the pool!), he actually reaches out for Ms. Mimi when I hand him off, there are small breaks in his crying and he no longer finds the need to say, "ma ma" the whole time he's crying! I asked his teacher, Ms. Mimi, if he's getting anything out of this, or am I just torturing him. She said that he's learning while he's crying :) Oh well, just one more week to go!

Oh and I asked Clara if the diving board was scary -- she said no. She's certainly more brave than I was at that age!

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